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Biobrary. The Library as Producer of Biographical Information? – The IOS-Example

Type: Text

Title: Biobrary

Subtitle: The Library as Producer of Biographical Information? – The IOS-Example

Creators: Hans Bauer

DOI: 10.15457/biolexsoe_2017_11_6

Date of Publication: 06.11.2017

Languages:  English

Availability:  Download

Format of Data: *.pdf

Description: Biographical and bibliographic data have much in common. However, biographical information within library infrastructures focuses on primary data such as name, date of birth / date of death, etc. Thus, libraries initially provide personal data in a structured form (what differs from biodata). As digitisation and the increase of electronic services are progressing, libraries are gaining access to biographical resources beyond the only metadata. The poster refers to two Open Access resources, managed by the library of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies Regensburg (IOS), and discusses strategies to open them up to further enhancement: the Erik Amburger Database and the BioLexSOE online.

Keywords: biographical dictionary, biographical database, library, authority files, Open Access

Citation: Bauer, Hans (2017): Biobrary: The Library as Producer of Biographical Information? – The IOS-Example. Version: 1. Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS). Text. http://doi.org/10.15457/biolexsoe_2017_11_6.


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